Each time a new year rolls around, do you find it hard to keep those New Year’s Resolutions? You’re not alone. Most people don’t keep their resolutions–not even through February! This year, Faulkner’s Drug Store wants to encourage you to take on one or two goals for 2018 that you can truly stick to. Here are a few pointers to help you get started: Start Small. We know that most people are tempted to make really big changes for the new year, but experts typically recommended making baby steps to get to where you want to be. Read on →

It’s no secret that workplaces and classrooms become danger zones this time of year, when it comes to communicable infections. Viruses like the cold, influenza, and dreaded rotavirus can spread like wildfire when many people spend time together indoors in fall and winter. As it’s only a matter of time before the next bug finds you, Faulkner’s Drug Store has rounded up a few tips to get you over your next cold as quickly as possible. Read on →

Every November is designated as American Diabetes Month. Each year, 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes. At Faulkner’s Drug Store, we understand the challenges of managing diabetes during the holiday season and have rounded up several tips to help you stay healthy. Plan ahead. Whenever possible, have a plan in place for what you will eat, before you even get to your event. If your event is taking place at a restaurant, you can often look up menus online to plan your meal ahead of time. Read on →

We’ve entered the busiest season of the year–the holidays and winter bugs are sure to occupy our time through winter–and Faulkner’s Drug Store is here to help you get through this time with as much ease as possible. One of our favorite pieces of advice? Make sure you’ve got a well-stocked cold and flu survival kit at home. Read on to learn more about the items that should go in your kit. Read on →

It’s that time of year again–the holiday season! From holiday dinners with friends and family to crowded shopping malls and ramping up your seasonal decor, are you ready to face everything to come without stress? This season, Faulkner’s Drug Store wants to help you keep your chill with the right stress busting tips. Let in some sunshine. Many people find themselves feeling stressed, lonely or depressed during the holidays as we experience fewer hours of sunshine than in warmer months. Read on →

As we head into yet another school year, we’re also entering the cold and flu season. Now is the time to create healthier habits for ourselves and our entire family. According to Livestrong, stress has been shown to be associated with an increased risk of acute infectious respiratory illness. So Faulkner’s Drug Store wants to make it easier for you to make healthier choices. Consider these three nutritional building blocks for better immunity: When it comes to nutrition, there are many different schools of thought, but most experts can agree upon three basic building blocks of proper nutrition to benefit your immune system: Protein Protein is an essential macronutrient because it’s required for nearly every function the body performs, including proper immune function and weight maintenance. Read on →

With a new school year in session, we are getting into the start of the cold and flu season. Per the CDC, the first thing you can do to avoid catching the influenza virus is to get a flu shot. But how do you know if you’re dealing with the common cold or the flu? Faulkner’s Drug Store wants to help make the difference clear. The common cold and influenza are both respiratory illnesses. Read on →

Many families with young children consider head lice a typical, though awfully annoying, right of passage in childhood. Sometimes it seems unavoidable. Did you know that September is National Head Lice Awareness Month? Faulkner’s Drug Store can help you recognize the symptoms and learn how to avoid this icky, itchy bug. Head lice are tiny insects found in hair–usually on the back of the neck and/or behind the ears. These insects live on humans and feed on their blood. Read on →

Did you know that September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month? The beginning of a new school year is a great time to review the steps parents, grandparents and other family members can use to help fight childhood obesity. Faulkner’s Drug Store has several tips you can try at home to help you raise healthier kids. Experts recommend that parents and guardians focus on reducing the rate of weight gain in such a way that you do not diminish normal development. Read on →

As we head into yet another new school year, now is a great time to think about proper school day nutrition. Faulkner’s Drug Store wants to help make the back-to-school transition smoother with these five simple tips. Push the H2O. When we’re dehydrated, we struggle to think clearly. Dehydration also negatively impacts our energy and mood. To make sure your kids are consuming plenty of water each day, both in school and at home, try adding freshly squeezed citrus fruits, sliced up cucumbers or berries for more flavor. Read on →