3 Tips To More Quickly Recover From A Cold | Faulkner's Drug Store

It’s no secret that workplaces and classrooms become danger zones this time of year, when it comes to communicable infections. Viruses like the cold, influenza, and dreaded rotavirus can spread like wildfire when many people spend time together indoors in fall and winter. As it’s only a matter of time before the next bug finds you, Faulkner’s Drug Store has rounded up a few tips to get you over your next cold as quickly as possible.

Wash your hands.
Often, we only think of this as a preventative measure and we don’t consider its importance in the healing process. If you’re unwell, stay home from work or school, avoid touching your face, and wash your hands frequently. Use soap and cool or lukewarm water and rub your hands well for at least 20 seconds before you rinse. While you’re at it, be sure you’re not making your cold worse!

Get plenty of sleep.
We all know that getting adequate sleep is important, but most of us are guilty of trying to get by on too few hours. Studies have shown that adults who sleep five to six hours a night are as much as four times more likely to catch a cold than those who sleep at least seven hours. So it’s a good idea to maximize your sleep during the cold and flu season.

Try to relax.
The mind-body connection is a real thing, making it so the emotional and mental stress we experience also impacts our immune function. Some studies have shown “stressed out” folks to be twice as likely as others to catch a cold. Researchers say the culprit is likely the stress hormone, cortisol. Chronic stress causes our immune system to becomes less sensitive to the hormone, which increases our natural inflammatory response to viruses. Simple mindfulness exercises can go a long way to help you chill out and experience fewer infections.

What does luck have to do with catching a cold?

This holiday season, Faulkner’s Drug Store is on your side to help you feel better fast no matter what hits you. Stop by the pharmacy this week to get the wellness aids you need and feel free to consult with our wonderful pharmacists. You can like us on Facebook to learn more about healthy living.