3 Tips To Reduce Childhood Obesity | Faulkner's Drug Store

Did you know that September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month? The beginning of a new school year is a great time to review the steps parents, grandparents and other family members can use to help fight childhood obesity. Faulkner’s Drug Store has several tips you can try at home to help you raise healthier kids.

Experts recommend that parents and guardians focus on reducing the rate of weight gain in such a way that you do not diminish normal development. That means focusing on healthier choices without putting your child on a diet. Never put your child or teenager on any kind of weight reduction diet without first consulting your doctor.

Model healthy eating habits.
Your children will learn their basic habits from you. Be sure that you are modeling the kind of healthy eating habits you want them to have for life. Some of those habits should include:

  • Eating plenty of vegetables fruits.
  • Enjoying low-fat or nonfat dairy products over full-fat ones.
  • Focus on lean meats, poultry, fish, lentils, and beans for healthy protein.
  • Consume properly sized portions of food at each meal or snack.
  • Drink plenty of water and choose water over juice or sweetened beverages.
  • Save treats and sweets for special occasions.

Make healthy food a family affair.
Everyone in the family can–and should–take part in activities to encourage healthy eating. Try to give your family the opportunity to:

  • Eat together as much as possible–for most families that means eating dinner most nights each week.
  • Cook together whenever you can and look for ways to make family favorites healthier.
  • Shop for groceries together–your kids can learn about healthy eating right where it begins in the shopping cart.

Prioritize physical activity.
It’s important that families engage in plenty of exercise and minimize sedentary activities. Try to help your kids get in at least an hour of moderate intensity physical activity most days of the week, such as:

  • Brisk walking
  • Games like tag
  • Jump roping
  • Playing sports like soccer or basketball
  • Swimming
  • Dancing

Who’s excited to help their families get healthier and push back against childhood obesity? Remember that Faulkner’s Drug Store is there to help the families in our community live healthier lives. Like us on Facebook to stay updated with more healthy tips and stop by the pharmacy this week for all of your family’s wellness needs.