4 Facts You Might Not Know About Alzheimer's Disease | Faulkner's Drug Store

Did you know that June is recognized as National Alzheimer’s Disease and Brain Health Month? Most people understand that Alzheimer’s steals memories, but many misconceptions about the disease still exist. Faulkner’s Drug Store wants to help you get the facts about living with Alzheimer’s Disease. Here are 4 facts you should know that you may not have heard before.

It is the most expensive disease in the US.
More than 5 million Americans live with Alzheimer’s today, and the cost is an estimated $259 billion. Experts say our nation’s cost could rise to $20 trillion by 2050 as the number of adults with Alzheimer’s balloons to 16 million.

It is not a normal part of aging.
Alzheimer’s is believed to be caused by a buildup of toxic proteins in the brain. While an aging person might forget things, they will usually remember that they forgot. With Alzheimer’s disease, people tend to forget something and won’t get that information back. For example, a normal aging person might forget to pay their bills, but someone with Alzheimer’s could forget how to pay their bills.

It is much more than memory loss.
While memory loss that disrupts daily life may be a symptom of Alzheimer’s, it causes many issues other than becoming more forgetful. Alzheimer’s is a brain disease that brings about a significant decline in a person’s thinking and reasoning skills. Confusion and challenges in problem solving commonly occur and can affect all facets of life.

It is always fatal.
It seems to be an often forgotten fact that Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth-leading cause of death in America. It is also the only disease in our top 10 causes of death that cannot be prevented, cured or even slowed down. No one survives Alzheimer’s disease. That’s why it is so urgent to work together for more education and research to fight Alzheimer’s.

We hope these facts help you get more interested in brain health. Together we can raise awareness about this devastating disease and fundraise for a cure. This June, be sure to talk to our pharmacists about the things you can do to help encourage better brain health, and like us on Facebook to receive more vital information for your health.