5 Tips for Skin Cancer Prevention | Faulkner's Drug Store

Summer is right around the corner! As the weather continues to heat up, Faulkner’s Drug Store wants to help keep everyone in our community safe from sun damage. Did you know that May is Skin Cancer Prevention Month? Let’s take a look at some of the facts you need to know to keep it fun in the sun!

Always use sunscreen. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends using sunscreen with an SPF 15 or higher daily. While this isn’t the only thing you should do, it’s your first line of defense against sun damage and skin cancer.

Seek the Shade Outdoors. Particularly between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the sun is the hottest, it’s wise to try to take advantage of shady areas when you spend time outside.

Don’t Let Your Skin Get Burned. Sun damage in the form of a sunburn isn’t just painful. It can greatly increase your risk of skin cancer in the future. That means it’s imperative that you do everything you can to avoid getting a sunburn in the first place. Wear your sunscreen, apply and re-apply it as directed and be mindful that you can still burn on cloudy days. Avoid tanning and UV tanning beds.

Examine your skin head-to-toe every month. You can enlist a loved one to help. Look for changes in your skin, especially moles and wounds that don’t seem to heal. If you aren’t sure about a skin change being “normal,” get it examined by your doctor. Skin cancer scares are definitely an occasion where it’s better to be safe than sorry!

Keep A Sun Safety Kit in the Car. It’s easy to overlook the fact that driving can expose us to repeated sun damage through car windows. More than 80% of skin cancers related to sun exposure while driving are found on patients’ heads or necks. If you drive a car with a sunroof or convertible top, wear a hat and apply sunscreen to any exposed areas of the face, neck, and scalp. To protect your arm, apply sunscreen and avoid propping your elbow up on the open window or sticking it outside the car. Always keep a hat, sunscreen and UV-blocking sunglasses in your car to be ready for your next road trip!

Are you ready for a super fun and safe summer? Faulkner’s Drug Store is stocked with the supplies you need to keep the whole family healthy this winter. Stop by the shop and talk to our friendly pharmacists today!