5 Tips for When Your Pain Management Efforts Aren't Working

Pain management is something of an art and a science. There are few words to fully capture the experience of chronic pain, yet many patients get to a point where they know their pain management measures simply aren’t working. When that happens, what’s next?

Understand there’s no magic cure.
While we’d like to be completely pain-free, the goal of treating chronic pain is typically to experience a good quality of life while handling pain at a tolerable level. Coming to terms with the goal at hand will help you see more options and get back to enjoying life again.

Talk to your whole health team.
Communication is key in chronic pain management, so be sure to let everyone involved in your care know where you are. If your pain medications are no longer taking off the edge, your doctor, pharmacist, nurse or PCA should all know and work together with you in finding new solutions.

Wrap your head around the issue.
Managing chronic pain is a challenging task for anyone. You might be surprised how much talking with a therapist can help you gain new skills to put your mind to work at pain management. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can help you change the way you think about and react to your pain.

Add complimentary therapies.
Taking a multi-faceted approach to pain will usually provide the best results. Forget your preconceived notions about alternative treatments, and talk to your health professionals about herbs or supplements like turmeric, acupuncture, and topical creams like arnica.

Build a lifestyle to support pain management.
Changing your diet to limit processed foods, beginning a gentle exercise routine, and committing to a positive outlook on life will all work together to help create a lifestyle that helps you better handle pain and enjoy life.

If you need help to manage your chronic pain, the experts at Faulkner’s Pharmacy are ready to help you create and reach your wellness goals. Stop on by this week and discover how you can benefit from partnering with your local pharmacy!