5 Ways to Stay Well Through Flu Season | Faulkner's Drug Store

With the holidays behind us, most of us are looking forward to spring and summer. However, we’ve still got to get through the rest of winter and the flu season. It might surprise you, but the flu season can actually extend through May! Check out these tips from Faulkner’s Drug Store to stay healthy and avoid getting sick.

Wash your hands often.
Always wash your hands after visiting the restroom or touching inanimate objects, such as faucets or door handles. Try as best as you can to not touch your face, since that’s a surefire way to give germs easy access to enter your body.

Consume a nutritious diet.
Even with the big holiday season over, candy consumption can be high from Valentine’s Day through Easter. It’s important to fuel your body with plenty of vegetables and limit refined sugars or carbs to support healthy immune system function.

Exercise regularly.
It’s important to keep moving even when the weather is cool. Regular exercise won’t just offer you fitness benefits, it will also help boost your immune system to prevent the bugs that make you ill.

Get plenty of sleep.
If you scrimp on sleep during the cold and flu season, you risk pushing your immune system too hard. Do your best to go to bed early and support healthy sleep habits.

Try supplements.
When you do feel the start of a cold, consider trying zinc lozenges. They taste like cough drops, but can help shorten the duration of your cold. You also might want to try vitamin C powders that can be mixed in water, or elderberry supplements which come in a variety of like syrups, tablets or lozenges.

Faulkner’s Drug Store is here to help your family stay healthy and feel better all year long! Like us on Facebook today to keep connected and get even more updates to live a better year.