6 Holiday Tips for Diabetics | Faulkner's Drug Store

Every November is designated as American Diabetes Month. Each year, 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes. At Faulkner’s Drug Store, we understand the challenges of managing diabetes during the holiday season and have rounded up several tips to help you stay healthy.

Plan ahead.
Whenever possible, have a plan in place for what you will eat, before you even get to your event. If your event is taking place at a restaurant, you can often look up menus online to plan your meal ahead of time. If the event is in someone’s home, you can ask the host what they are serving, and offer to bring a healthy dish that complements their menu.

Don’t skip meals.
It can be tempting to skip meals when the holidays are full of indulgent foods. But for diabetics, skipping a meal can negatively impact your blood glucose level.

Stay well-hydrated.
We all know that it’s important to stay hydrated with plenty of water, right? But some studies also suggest that staying well-hydrated may even help people consume fewer calories and less junk like sugar, salt and cholesterol.

Know your carbohydrates.
Since carbs have the biggest impact on blood sugar compared with fats and protein, it’s important to select low glycemic foods. Limit refined and processed carbohydrates and increased go with fiber-rich whole foods like apples, carrots, beans and cashews.

Make smart swaps.
There are so many ways to lighten up most holiday recipes with a few simple swaps. Replace rice or mashed potatoes with cauliflower, use Greek yogurt rather than high-fat sour cream, and replace sweet potato casserole with roasted or mashed sweet potatoes.

Prioritize exercise.
Sure, many if not most holiday traditions revolve around food, but that doesn’t mean you can’t add more physical activity into your own traditions. Consider getting your loved ones together to play tag or hide and seek outdoors, or take a brisk walk after eating.

What healthy holiday strategies do you plan to use? You can like us on Facebook for more updates and information just in time for the holidays. Also be sure to visit the drug store and talk to or pharmacists about your questions and concerns regarding diabetes.