Are There Symptoms for Colorectal Cancer? | Faulkner's Drug Store

It’s natural to assume that an illness as serious as cancer would come with a host of obvious symptoms – unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. Since March is known as National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, Faulkner’s Drug Store wants to help you understand the basic facts about colon cancer so you know how to prevent it in your family.

Unfortunately, colon cancer is an illness that comes with so few symptoms that it’s often referred to as a silent killer. The few symptoms that may occur with colon cancer include:

Any Change in Bowel Habits
That means diarrhea, constipation, a change in consistency or experiencing more narrow than usual bowel movements.

Abdominal Changes or Discomfort
Innocuous problems such as cramps, gas, a feeling of fullness, or bloat can all indicate a problem that might mean cancer if they are persistently bringing you discomfort.

Rectal Bleeding
Both bright red or very dark blood may be seen in your stool if you have developed colorectal cancer.

Weakness and Fatigue
This symptom might also include unexplained weight loss, nausea or vomiting.

Any of these symptoms may be associated with many other health conditions. The earliest signs of cancer often don’t include pain. That’s why it’s so vital that you don’t put off your doctor appointments. In the case of colorectal cancer, prevention is the very best method to save your life. In fact, every adult should receive a routine screening when they reach 50 years old. Colon cancer screenings actually detect colon polyps before they become cancer so they may be removed promptly.

This March, talk to your loved ones who are 50 or older about having their colon cancer screening and don’t skip out on yours if you are due for the exam as well. Furthermore, never hesitate to talk to the friendly and fully informed pharmacists at Faulkner’s Drug Store who can become a vital part of your healthcare team. Visit us on Facebook to learn more about our services to help you stay healthy.