Diet Tips for Seniors

Did you know that January is weight loss awareness month? This January, many adults will be making New Year’s resolutions to improve their diets, and some of those people will be seniors who have special dietary needs. Here are some of the best tips for seniors trying to lose weight.

  • DASH, TLC and Mediterranean diets are all considered well-suited for seniors because they’re successful at treating diabetes and high blood pressure.

  • As we age, our caloric needs decrease. It’s not uncommon for seniors to need 200-400 less calories than when they were younger.

  • Older adults need more protein to help support proper immune function and bone health.

  • It’s important to consume a well-rounded diet with extra protein and avoid the temptation to live off of cereal or toast.

  • Although protein matters, older adults don’t need a lot of animal protein and may instead turn to inexpensive sources including lentils, beans and chickpeas.

  • Seniors should avoid very low-fat diets or those which operate in various phases, because the ideal diet for older adults should be easy to follow and comprehend.

  • Plans such as Weight Watchers can be helpful for aging adults, since there isn’t a lot of thinking about the foods one can or cannot eat.

  • Seniors should be cautious to avoid low-fat and low-fiber diets, as these can cause constipation.

  • It’s also a good idea to have one’s iron in the blood checked regularly, since as we age, many adults consume too little iron.