Eat Right For the Cold & Flu Season | Faulkner's Drug Store

As we head into yet another school year, we’re also entering the cold and flu season. Now is the time to create healthier habits for ourselves and our entire family. According to Livestrong, stress has been shown to be associated with an increased risk of acute infectious respiratory illness. So Faulkner’s Drug Store wants to make it easier for you to make healthier choices. Consider these three nutritional building blocks for better immunity:

When it comes to nutrition, there are many different schools of thought, but most experts can agree upon three basic building blocks of proper nutrition to benefit your immune system:

Protein is an essential macronutrient because it’s required for nearly every function the body performs, including proper immune function and weight maintenance. Basically any process in which the body is working to heal or defend itself, you will find protein present. You likely have heard of antibodies–these are very special proteins which help defend the body from illness or bacteria. Proteins are also used in cell division for healing and growth. Adults typically need one gram of protein for every 2.2 pounds of body weight. If an adult weighs 150 pounds, they will need about 68 grams of protein daily. Think beef, chicken, eggs, dairy, and even protein powder.

Healthy Fat
Americans tend to think of dietary fat as an unhealthy thing, but the reality is that healthy fats are essential. Fats help the body in a few ways. They give the body a concentrated source of energy and act as building blocks in hormone production. Dietary fat is necessary to carry fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K–all of which aid in proper immune function. In fact, fats contribute to greater immunity and better bone strength. Some of the healthiest forms of fat include include olive oil, avocados, nuts/seeds, and fish or krill oil.

Do you need a reminder to eat your veggies? For optimal immune function, you should limit starchy vegetables such as potatoes and winter squash. Instead, focus on consuming plenty of greens like spinach, lettuce, kale, and mustard greens, etc. Also be sure to enjoy bell peppers, tomatoes, garlic, onions, celery, and asparagus. You can boost your veggie intake by adding them to smoothies and eating salad everyday.

Looking for more ways to fight back against sick season? Consider these tips. Also be sure to let Faulkner’s Drug Store keep you updated through the flu season on the best health practices. Like us on Facebook to never miss a helpful article!