Get Educated for Kidney Health Awareness

When’s the last time you thought about your kidneys? If you’re like must people, you probably don’t think about organs like your kidneys, unless you know something is wrong. However, kidney diseases are known as silent killers, and it’s vital to become educated about kidney health to help protect your quality of life.

Here are just some of the tips you can follow to avoid kidney disease or failure:

Get on the Move for Kidney Health
Individuals are encouraged to move their bodies regularly to help them stay fit and lower their blood pressure to avoid kidney problems.

Get Your Blood Sugar Under Control
Did you know that high blood sugar contributes to kidney damage? The earlier a person with diabetes learns to safely manage their blood sugar, the more they reduce their risk of kidney complications.

Get Your Blood Pressure Down
Many people now know that high blood pressure can lead to stroke or heart attack, but far fewer are aware that it’s also the most common cause of kidney damage. The current recommendation is to aim for a blood pressure level at or below 12080. Make sure you know your numbers, and have them checked regularly.

Get Your Weight Balanced
If you are overweight or obese, you’re at greater risk for diabetes, heart disease and other conditions associated with Chronic Kidney Disease. If you need help with weight loss, talk to your medical care team about the right steps for you.