Life After Cancer | Faulkner's Drug Store

In case you missed it, June 4 was the 2017 National Cancer Survivors Day. Each year on the first Sunday in June people across the US come together to celebrate life after cancer. At Faulkner’s Drug Store, we wish to celebrate those who have survived, hope to inspire those recently diagnosed, support our local families, and reach out those in our community impacted by cancer. It makes June a great time to learn more about some of the facts and statistics surrounding this life-changing disease.

When we honor cancer survivors, we show the world that life after a cancer diagnosis can be still be rewarding, inspiring and full of joy. Here are some facts you might not know about life after cancer:

  • A cancer survivor is defined as anyone living with a history of cancer–from diagnosis through the remainder of life.

  • There are more than 15.5 million cancer survivors in America.

  • Experts expect the number of cancer survivors to exceed 20 million by 2026.

  • The number of cancer survivors is projected to grow to more than 26 million by 2040.

  • The number of people who have lived 5 years or more after their cancer diagnosis is projected to increase approximately to 14 million in the next 10 years.

  • As of 2016, 67% of all cancer survivors had survived for at least 5 years after their diagnosis; 44% had survived 10 years or more; and 17% had survived 20 years or more.

  • Currently, about 62% of all cancer survivors are 65 years of age or older. It’s projected that by 2040, that number will climb up to 73% of all cancer survivors in the US.

  • Among cancer survivors today, the most common types of cancer represented include female breast cancer with 3.6 million survivors, prostate cancer with 3.3 million survivors, colorectal cancer at 1.5 million, gynecologic cancers at 1.3 million and melanoma (skin cancer) at 1.2 million.

This June, we encourage you to read more about cancer survival and allow yourself to get inspired by some of the stories of survival across the country. Also be sure to stop by the drug store to speak to our pharmacists about any additional questions or concerns about life after cancer. Remember, your local pharmacists are an integral part of your healthcare team. You can also like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more information about healthy living.