New Year's Health Goals You Can Keep | Faulkner's Drug Store

Each time a new year rolls around, do you find it hard to keep those New Year’s Resolutions? You’re not alone. Most people don’t keep their resolutions–not even through February! This year, Faulkner’s Drug Store wants to encourage you to take on one or two goals for 2018 that you can truly stick to.

Here are a few pointers to help you get started:

Start Small.
We know that most people are tempted to make really big changes for the new year, but experts typically recommended making baby steps to get to where you want to be. Have you ever heard the saying “When eating an elephant take one bite at a time”? What that means is that when you have a large task at hand, break it down into small steps first. One bite is a baby step. So this year, instead of tackling a huge goal, begin with one smaller, healthy habit.

Like what, you ask?

Drink more water.
Many Americans fail to drink enough water each day for optimal health. Some people guzzle coffee or sugary drinks most days when what the body really needs is pure water. There are lots of tricks you can use to make a habit of getting enough water in each day. Keep a refillable water bottle at your desk, drink a glass before beginning your meals, or drink some water whenever you’re craving a snack to make sure you haven’t confused your signals of thirst for hunger. Here’s some more facts you should know about drinking water.

Set a standard sleep/wake schedule.
While we all basically know that getting adequate sleep is important to our health, many of us overlook the importance of consistency. Experts recommend going to sleep at the same, and keeping a regular wake up time as well. Try putting yourself on a routine in 2018 and see how you feel mentally and physically when your body knows what to expect.

This year, let’s get healthy together, Monroe! We’re here to serve our community–one patient at a time. For more health tips throughout 2018 be sure to follow our Facebook page.