November: Healthy Skin Month

Did you know that November is Healthy Skin Month? As we head into the holiday season, take a moment to learn how to take better care of your largest organ.

Check out our best tips for healthy skin:

Be Sun Smart.
As winter nears, the sun may seem long gone, yet the danger of UV rays isn’t gone. Damage from UV rays includes causing many wrinkles, dry or rough skin, liver spots, and cancers. Wear a sunscreen that’s greater than SPF 15 every day. Sunscreen should be applied 20 minutes before going outside and then reapplied every two hours as you are exposed to the sun.

Manage Your Activities.
Do not smoke because it decreases blood flow thereby depleting the skin of oxygen and nutrients. The decreased blood flow damages your skin’s elastic fibers and collagen. Repeatedly pursing your lips or squinting your eyes can also create wrinkles.

Have a Routine.
You can take proper care of your skin by washing it with warm–not hot–water. Avoid showering or bathing for more than fifteen minutes, because it strips the oils from your skin. Strong soaps may also strip your skin, so always use a mild cleaner.

Keep it Moisturized.
Properly moisturized skin is important to its overall health. The moisture barrier creates a healthy seal, helps prevent water from escaping, and helps slowly release water into the skin.

Shave it Safely.
Shaving can cause irritation, razor burn, and cuts. To help reduce shaving irritation, you need to improve the health of your skin. Place a warm washcloth on your skin prior to shaving, always use a lotion or shaving cream with a clean razor, and shave in the direction of the hair growth.

What questions do you have about improving the health of your skin? At Faulkner’s Drug Store, we are here to supply you with the information and tools you need for great health! Stop by the drugstore today.