September is Head Lice Awareness Month | Faulkner's Drug Store

Many families with young children consider head lice a typical, though awfully annoying, right of passage in childhood. Sometimes it seems unavoidable. Did you know that September is National Head Lice Awareness Month? Faulkner’s Drug Store can help you recognize the symptoms and learn how to avoid this icky, itchy bug.

Head lice are tiny insects found in hair–usually on the back of the neck and/or behind the ears. These insects live on humans and feed on their blood. Head lice infestations are common among preschool and elementary school children.

The CDC notes that when one individual is infected with head lice, all other household members and close contacts should be checked as well. Anyone with symptoms of an active infestation should be treated, though some experts recommend treatment for anyone who shares a bed with an actively-infested person.

What are the symptoms of head lice?

Really, there is only one symptom: itching. The itching is caused by an allergic reaction to the saliva from lice bites. Because everyone’s sensitivity to and history of lice infestation will vary, itching may or may not occur right away. In fact, for those who have never before had head lice, it may take several weeks or even months for itching to begin.

Do you suspect that you or your child has head lice? Learn how to perform a home examination for head lice here.

How can I prevent head lice?

Your first line of defense is to teach your kids that they shouldn’t share hats and brushes/combs, or any other items which make direct contact with other children’s heads. We know–this is much easier said than done! If your child–or yourself–has head lice, your job is to prevent the lice from being spread to others. That means avoiding head-to-head or hair-to-hair contact. Quit sharing clothing, bedding, hair brushes or accessories, pillows, stuffed animals, and towels.

If you experience an infestation of head lice in your household, Faulkner’s Drug Store can help. Head on over to talk with one of our pharmacists and we’ll get you set up with the right in-home treatment. In the meantime, like us on Facebook to stay informed throughout the school year on the best health practices for your family.