Tips to Improve Your Digestive Health

Digestive woes are a common complaint, especially as we age. If you would like to improve your overall wellbeing by strengthening your digestive health, try some of our tips below:

Emphasize High-Fiber Foods
Eat a high-fiber diet to help food move more easily through your digestive tract and avoid constipation. High-fiber diets have been shown to prevent or treat a variety of digestive disorders, including diverticulosis, hemorrhoids, and IBS.

You need to eat both insoluble fiber (also known as roughage) and soluble fiber (which draws in water). You can get insoluble fiber from foods, such as wheat bran, vegetables, and whole grains; while soluble fiber can be obtained from oat bran, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

According to the Institute of Medicine, women need 25 grams of fiber per day, while men need to consume 38 grams per day. Unfortunately, many Americans reach only half of what they need, so it is important to make high-fiber plant foods a priority every day.

Moderate Your Fat Intake
Fatty foods tend to slow down digestion and increase your risk of constipation. It’s important to get high-quality fat in your diet—at least 15% of your calories should come from fat, but more than 30% may hinder your goals. You can pair it with high-fiber foods to allow for better digestion. On the same note, you should make a point to select lean cuts of meat, such as pork loin and skinless poultry.

Go Pro-Probiotics
Probiotics (healthy bacteria naturally present in the digestive tract) combat the effects of a poor diet choices, antibiotic use, and stress. They also can enhance nutrient absorption, help break down milk sugars, strengthen your immune system, and possibly help treat IBS. Every day you should consume good sources of probiotics, like low-fat yogurt or kefir.

Schedule Eating
Eating on a set schedule can help your digestive system work at peak performance. Plan ahead and try to eat your meals and snacks at the same time each day.

Drink Water
Staying hydrated will benefit your digestive health. Water helps dissolve both fats and soluble fiber, so they pass through more easily.

Exercise Regularly
Always schedule exercise into your weekly plans. Routine activity helps keep foods moving and reduces constipation. It also helps maintain a healthy weight—which benefits digestive health.