What's In Your Cold & Flu Survival Kit? | Faulkner's Drug Store

We’ve entered the busiest season of the year–the holidays and winter bugs are sure to occupy our time through winter–and Faulkner’s Drug Store is here to help you get through this time with as much ease as possible. One of our favorite pieces of advice? Make sure you’ve got a well-stocked cold and flu survival kit at home. Read on to learn more about the items that should go in your kit.

Why put together a survival kit? We know how it goes. No matter how much you clean house, disinfect surfaces, and wash your hands frequently, the cold and flu season still somehow catches the best of us off guard. In the event of an unexpected fever, sore throat, or runny nose this season–your kit can go a long way to help you feel much better.

Here’s our shopping list for the perfect survival kit:

  • Facial tissues with aloe or lotion to help prevent dry and sore noses–stock up so you’re not stuck using toilet paper or paper towels when you run out of the real stuff!

  • Disinfectant sprays and wipes–just check the labels and choose one that says it kills at least 99% of germs and flu viruses. Also read the instructions to make sure you use it correctly for the most effectiveness.

  • An easy to read thermometer. You don’t want to squint and struggle to read the temperature in the middle of the night. There are a variety of great digital oral thermometers on the market. For the most ease of use, you may consider a scanning thermometer, too.

  • Bleach–when it comes to killing cold and flu germs, nothing beats basic bleach.

  • Plenty of chicken noodle soup–or ingredients to make your own–and consider stocking up on extra garlic!

  • Lots of water and electrolyte drinks like Pedialyte–most flu complications stem from dehydration.

  • Pain relievers such as ibuprofen, and make sure you include some children’s liquid pain relievers if you’ve got little ones in the house. You can learn more about administering pain relievers to children here.

  • Cough drops, sore throat lozenges, and vitamin C.

  • In addition to those survival kit items, you’ll also want to make sure you’ve got plenty of foods suited to upset tummies. Things like orange juice, bananas, crackers, rice, applesauce, and bread are ideal.

What other items would you add to your cold and flu kit? Stop by the drug store to get all of your needs this week and feel free to talk to our knowledgeable pharmacists about your cold and flu concerns. Like us on Facebook to stay updated with more health news too!