Winter Safety Tips

As we head into the winter season, Faulkner’s Drug Store wants to remind you to keep the season a safe one! Check out our top tips you can use well past the New Year.

Indoor Safety

  • Install or repair weather stripping, insulation, and storm windows.
  • Insulate any water lines that run along exterior walls.
  • Clean out the gutters and repair any roof leaks.
  • Get your your heating systems inspected by a professional to be sure it’s clean, fully functioning, and properly ventilated.
  • Inspect and clean any fireplaces and chimneys.
  • Install smoke detectors and test the batteries monthly; get new detectors every 10 years.
  • Install a CO detector and check the batteries when you change your clocks in the fall and spring.

Outdoor Safety

  • Always wear appropriate outdoor clothing–layer light, warm clothing; put on mittens, hats, scarves, and boots.
  • If you will be traveling, check your destination’s weather forecast.
  • Keep grills, camp stoves, and generators out of the house, basement and garage to protect your family from carbon monoxide.
  • Place generators at least 20 feet from your house.
  • Periodically check on any family and neighbors who may be at risk from winter weather hazards.

Emergency Preparation

We all must be prepared for weather-related emergencies and power outages:

  • Stock up on water and shelf-stable foods that require no cooking.
  • Keep your cell phone fully charged and keep a few extra chargers handy.

Your winter emergency kit should include:

  • Battery-operated flashlights, weather radio, and lamps
  • Extra batteries
  • First-aid kit with extra medicines
  • Baby items, if needed
  • Cat litter or sand to sprinkle icy walkways

Are you ready for a safe winter season? Be sure to stop by the drug store today to stock up on your seasonal needs!