Did you know that diabetes increases your risk of infection, even in minor cuts and scrapes? Faulkner’s Drug Store offers a comprehensive selection of wound care supplies and would like to empower diabetic patients to better prevent and treat their wounds to minimize infection and further complications. Why does diabetes increase your risk of infection when you have a small cut? Many people with diabetes have a weakened immune system, which puts them at a consistently higher risk of infection than those without diabetes. Read on →

The heat is on! As the summer stretches into July, it’s important for the 21 million Americans with diabetes to take special precautions for a safe and healthy summer. If you have diabetes, you might not know that you are at a greater risk for complications in hot and humid weather. Faulkner’s Drug Store has tips to help you deal with the heat. Stay hydrated. While dehydration is an obvious summer danger for anyone, if you have diabetes, dehydration is more likely when your blood glucose isn’t well-managed. Read on →

In case you missed it, June 4 was the 2017 National Cancer Survivors Day. Each year on the first Sunday in June people across the US come together to celebrate life after cancer. At Faulkner’s Drug Store, we wish to celebrate those who have survived, hope to inspire those recently diagnosed, support our local families, and reach out those in our community impacted by cancer. It makes June a great time to learn more about some of the facts and statistics surrounding this life-changing disease. Read on →

Did you know that June is recognized as National Alzheimer’s Disease and Brain Health Month? Most people understand that Alzheimer’s steals memories, but many misconceptions about the disease still exist. Faulkner’s Drug Store wants to help you get the facts about living with Alzheimer’s Disease. Here are 4 facts you should know that you may not have heard before. It is the most expensive disease in the US. More than 5 million Americans live with Alzheimer’s today, and the cost is an estimated $259 billion. Read on →

Did you know that May is recognized as National Allergies and Asthma Awareness Month? Unfortunately, far too many Americans with seasonal allergies don’t think about managing their allergies until they start to experience symptoms. An important part of the month of May is educating our community about the steps they can take before allergy symptoms begin to pester them. This May, Faulkner’s Drug Store wants to raise awareness about Allergy PREP. Read on →

Summer is right around the corner! As the weather continues to heat up, Faulkner’s Drug Store wants to help keep everyone in our community safe from sun damage. Did you know that May is Skin Cancer Prevention Month? Let’s take a look at some of the facts you need to know to keep it fun in the sun! Always use sunscreen. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends using sunscreen with an SPF 15 or higher daily. Read on →

Did you know that April 25 is recognized as World Meningitis Day? Faulkner’s Drug Store would like to help raise awareness about the signs and symptoms of the disease and help families better understand the vaccines that are available. Meningitis refers to an inflammation of the fluid and membranes that cover the brain and the spinal cord. It is a potentially deadly disease that impacts more than a million people around the world every year. Read on →

Did you know that April is Women’s Eye Health Month? At Faulkner’s Drug Store, we want to remind you to make more time for your eye health in 2017. One vital aspect of healthy eyesight is getting routine eye exams to help detect progressive eye conditions, like glaucoma, which have few to zero signs in the early stages. Sometimes people experience sudden eye symptoms like a change in vision or eye pain. Read on →

It’s natural to assume that an illness as serious as cancer would come with a host of obvious symptoms – unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. Since March is known as National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, Faulkner’s Drug Store wants to help you understand the basic facts about colon cancer so you know how to prevent it in your family. Unfortunately, colon cancer is an illness that comes with so few symptoms that it’s often referred to as a silent killer. Read on →

Every effective treatment plan for diabetes includes a healthy diet. This March, for national nutrition month, Faulkner’s Drug Store has some ideas to get started on an effective nutrition plan if you’re diabetic. You want to pick out a diet plan that will help you keep your blood sugar within a normal to healthy range. There’s a few types of plans you can choose from: The plate method comes from The American Diabetes Association and is quite simple. Read on →